We’ll Muddle Through Somehow: Christmas 2020 (sermon)

December 24, 2020 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Timothy Egan....

A Nation Being Rebuilt: My Fortnight in Myanmar (poem)

To find the lost, To heal the broken, To feed the hungry, To release the....

New Year, New Hope, and the Hokey Pokey

The last Sunday of the old year I spent at my internship congregation. I led....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job and Your Heart (sermon)

Reading: Excerpt from Introduction to Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman “This....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job & Your Heart (sermon – audio)

Today's sermon was the second of two I preached this summer at Village Church....

Thoughts on Trayvon Martin (April 12, 2012)

I originally wrote this in April, 2012, as a meditation for a class in....

Explaining a Segregated Playground: Dr. Howard Thurman's Love for His Daughters

Later this morning, I will be preaching at First Parish Unitarian Universalist....