a companion piece to the poem of nearly the same title, I offered this as the....
Here in the Path of Totality (before)
https://youtu.be/pcfRCMvQNTI this IS a spoken word piece, and as such, is....

V’ahavta by Aurora Levins Morales – video interpretation
The pandemic has brought to me is learning how to edit videos and create....

Guest Houses of Old and of Today
Once a month I conduct what I call A Ritual of Gratitude and Letting Go. It....

Blessing for a Pastoral Care Program
The blessing for this work is inspired by the poem, Kindness, by Naomi Shihab....
Adieu Enlivened Stardust
The enlivened stardust called Otis these past twelve years has been returned....

On the Resurrection of Beloved Dogs (poem)
“Everything is mortal. It dies. But its parts don’t die. Its parts become....