What is your ground? What is your horizon? Your ground is that....

Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee
Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee: not for the....

On Keeping (Ig)Noble Silence
[caption id="attachment_3812" align="alignleft" width="169"] meditation hall at....

Choosing Open Eyes (sermon)
This sermon was delivered on February 22, 2015 at First Parish Church of....

Trauma-Informed Meditation Protocol
During my upcoming trip to Burma, I will be leading daily meditation sessions....

The Beating Beneath My Heart: A Geode of a Chapel Amid the Ruins of Disiodenberg
“A chapel is where you can hear something beating below your heart.” Pico....

City Called Wait: Where Not Everything Is Lost
Not all that long ago, I flew to the West Coast to visit my mother. ....

A Swell of the Heart: Metta Sutta
This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows....