May 14, 2017 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Time For All Ages....

Showing Up for Racial Justice: One White Person’s Wading Into Waters (Part I)
Part I: Wading into the Waters I am not an activist. (My activist friends....

White Skin in The Game: Thoughts on Rachel Dolezal
I know Rachel Dolezal. I have met her. (Not really.) (Well, kinda.....

Mother's Day Proclamation in the Shadow of #BaltimoreUprising
Mother’s Day is upon us. In Unitarian Universalist congregations, Mother’s....

Out of the Mouths of Babes
[caption id="attachment_3484" align="alignright" width="300"] This photograph....

Notice Who Matters: The Readings from Many Voices (Part I of 2)
The following readings were the heart of worship this morning at the Unitarian....

Is Jesus White? Well, That Depends…
Just last night on Fox News the host of the show, “The Kelly Files,” Megyn....

Erasing Firsts Reinforces White Privilege
Earlier this week, my local paper printed an Associated Press article about a....

Soul Searching Ahead: Unitarian Universalist Conversations on Race
Over and over, the dangers of oversimplification rang forth. Participants....

Thoughts on Trayvon Martin (April 12, 2012)
I originally wrote this in April, 2012, as a meditation for a class in....