Blessing of the Backpacks — A Mini Primer

Such a brilliant idea: a Blessing of the Backpacks. I first encountered it in....

Coming to the Pond: Surrender & Prayer (sermon)

Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence August 9, 2015 (The Mary....

Prayer on the First Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death

May the words of our mouths and the meditations of all of our hearts contribute to peace and justice in this world.  I invite you at the end of each passage to speak these words in unison: We bear witness. One year ago this morning, Mike Brown, the....

Prayer for Children Reclaiming Structures Meant for Climbing

This is a summer scene along the Harborway in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It both....

From Halifax to Havana and Back Again

[caption id="attachment_3747" align="alignleft" width="225"] July 26 was a....

Showing Up for Racial Justice: One White Person's Wading into the Waters… (Part II)

Part II: C’mon In, the Water’s … You Tell Me I wonder if you might have some time right now to talk with me about racial justice, about what’s going on in our nation, and how heart-breaking it is? With inspiration for following through on....

Showing Up for Racial Justice: One White Person’s Wading Into Waters (Part I)

Part I: Wading into the Waters I am not an activist. (My activist friends....

New Title for Blog

Dear Reader, You might have noticed -- or not --  that when you typed in....

Not Over…: A Response and A Call to Further Respond

Another compelling post from friend and colleague, Adam Dyer.​ Rock on and write on! It is more generous than deserved, but so it is with Adam's spirit. His post, entitled, “Not over…” ends thusly: "So, I don’t have an answer to how or what....

Inherent Worth & Dignity and (Possibly) Defending Clarence Thomas (reblogged)

While at the national (with some international flavors, as well) gathering of....