Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee: not for the....
A Prayer for Tamir: One Year Anniversary
[caption id="attachment_3904" align="alignright" width="290"] Tamir Rice[/caption] We gather at this time 3:30, November 22, because Tamir Rice’s family, and our own sense of integrity and justice, calls us to do so. In....
Being Servant Candle: Strongest When We Help Each Other
At my children’s elementary school, there was an annual Solstice pageant. One....
Children’s Advice for Seeing the Ministerial Fellowship Committee
[caption id="attachment_3889" align="alignleft" width="423"] Image by....
Keeping Our Hearts Alive: On the Contribution of One Veteran (homily)
November 8, 2015 First Parish Church of Groton audio version here Spirit of Life, breath of our breath, source of humility and deep ground: be with me as I preach this sermon. When a minister preaches on a topic about which she knows little and has....
Tainted: Not the Grand Transition We Would Hope
[caption id="attachment_3873" align="alignright" width="300"] Image from....
A Prayer for Liminal Time
A liminal time, this… when the veil between life and death grows thin, when....
Missing Mudita: On Collegiality and Sympathetic Joy
I was looking for the missing brahmavihara. Walking around the beautiful grounds of the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) in Barre, Massachusetts, where I was spending three days in a self-directed silent retreat, I happened upon the many outdoor benches....
Adieu Enlivened Stardust
The enlivened stardust called Otis these past twelve years has been returned....