This has been an especially hard week. Let us all recognize that nearly....
A Farewell Blessing: May You Be that Prolific
First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington June 16, 2024 The....
Dandelions Aren’t Forever…and Neither Are We (sermon)
First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington June 16, 2024 I have been reading, by which I mean listening, to the book, The Five Invitations: Discovering What Death Can Teach Us About Living Fully, by Frank Ostaseski, one of the co-founders....
Muck & Mud Call to Worship
No way to avoid it, no way to side step or roll around it. Life has its....
Here in the Path of Totality (after)
a companion piece to the poem of nearly the same title, I offered this as the Devotional at the Vermont House of Representatives today (April 11, 2024), a recording of which is at the bottom of this post. Two or three minutes, more or....
Here in the Path of Totality (before) this IS a spoken word piece, and as such, is best enjoyed in the video. But just in case, the text is below.... I want to spend the upcoming solar eclipse dancing between science and poetry. I want to careen between....
The Limits of Our Senses 2024 (sermon)
March 31, 2024 First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington I am....