Repentance and (no) Reluctance: A Confession for America

This semester at Hartford Seminary, I am taking a course entitled,....

So Many Kind Faces: UU Buddhist Fellowship Convocation

Can you see me there in the back with the striped sweater? I did not make a....

Save Me from my Introversion

This is so typical of me.  I dress to impress.  I am at a conference at which (I think) I know no one.  I look -- for me -- glamorous.  I am wearing ... wait for it ... heels!  My clothes match just right (not too much).  I got my hair cut wicked....

I Shot the Sherriff: On Killing the Buddha

I was born in 1967, which makes me a little too young to claim the oldie but....

A Swell of the Heart: Metta Sutta

This is what should be done By one who is skilled in goodness, And who knows....


So the last thing I said to my husband this morning, meant to be a funny quip to keep him company on his commute to work was, “What is the etiquette for minister-types while whipping the metaphorical ass of a bunch of old ladies at a game of....

A Week of Firsts

This week has been a week of religious firsts in my family. Last night I....

Companion Theodicy

Last year, my friend’s 19-year-old daughter gave birth to a baby girl at six....

Ave que Emigra by Gaby Moreno I am posting this to go with the previous post. If I knew how to post them together, I....

Metaphors of Mariposas

The sanctuary of this worn Catholic church looks like what I imagine the....