First Parish Church of Groton February 28, 2016 audio available here Imagine....
Blessing for a Pastoral Care Program
The blessing for this work is inspired by the poem, Kindness, by Naomi Shihab....
If We Don’t Believe in Hell, Does It Exist? (sermon)
First Parish Church of Groton (For audio version, click....
Interfaith Winter Blesssing
These are the gifts of this season, let us open our hearts to them: A....
Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee
Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee: not for the....
Children’s Advice for Seeing the Ministerial Fellowship Committee
[caption id="attachment_3889" align="alignleft" width="423"] Image by....
Keeping Our Hearts Alive: On the Contribution of One Veteran (homily)
November 8, 2015 First Parish Church of Groton audio version here Spirit of....
A Prayer for Liminal Time
A liminal time, this… when the veil between life and death grows thin, when....
Missing Mudita: On Collegiality and Sympathetic Joy
I was looking for the missing brahmavihara. Walking around the beautiful....