Love at the Center: Sermon for Dr. King Day

First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington January 19,....

Walking with the Wind by John Lewis

Here is a video story based on the prologue in John Lewis' memoir, Walking....

Shifting Grounds Beneath Us: Facing White Supremacy (sermon)

I never met Margaret Maurer, founding member of this congregation. She died in....

In the Thrall of Fallen Angels: Implicit Bias and A Hard Path Through (sermon)

The Unitarian Society East Brunswick NJ December 4, 2016   I am a....

Black Lives Matter: When You Remove One Sign, Three Takes Its Place

[caption id="attachment_3982" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Photo by JERREY....

A Prayer for Tamir: One Year Anniversary

[caption id="attachment_3904" align="alignright" width="290"] Tamir....

Prayer on the First Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death

May the words of our mouths and the meditations of all of our hearts contribute....

Showing Up for Racial Justice: One White Person’s Wading Into Waters (Part I)

Part I: Wading into the Waters I am not an activist. (My activist friends....

Not Over…: A Response and A Call to Further Respond

Another compelling post from friend and colleague, Adam Dyer.​ Rock on and....

Mother's Day Proclamation in the Shadow of #BaltimoreUprising

Mother’s Day is upon us. In Unitarian Universalist congregations, Mother’s....