For my new Teaching Parish Committee We are artists, not....
Shameless Self Promotion: Karen Wants to be a Minister on GoFundMe
CLICK HERE: This was the exact response from....
Risking Hope: Who Could Have Seen That Coming?
So it would be just peachy if everything worked out all cause-and-effect-like. Two-plus-two-equals-four. You cut onions: your eyes tear up. The cat is in the box whether you look inside at it or not. (Unless, of course, you are Schrodinger. Then all....
Remembering Who Is In the Room: Let Our Voices be a Safe Haven
Let us remember who is in the room. Let us be mindful of who is in the room....
Finding a "New" Peace (Pagoda)
[caption id="attachment_3076" align="alignleft" width="300" class=" "] New....
The Ferguson Challenge: Talking Across Race
I just returned from business travel that required flying in and out of Baltimore-Washington International (BWI) airport. I had to take a taxi from the airport to where I was scheduled to work. Though I tend to be rather non-conversational in social....
Notice Who Matters: The Sermon (Part 2 of 2)
August 17, 2014 Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence By Langston....
Notice Who Matters: The Readings from Many Voices (Part I of 2)
The following readings were the heart of worship this morning at the Unitarian....
Stand (or Sit or Recline) on the Side of Love: Honoring the Life of Michael Brown, Witnessing His Murder
(Updated 9/1/14)Don’t turn away from the news. Find a way to read some of it. Be sure that if you do, that you also find stories of the heroes, the helpers, the resisters, the fighters, to help combat the distress and guard against becoming....
This Is Not the Way
On Wednesday, August 6th, someone discovered that a flag on the grounds of one....