Maps Don’t Know Everything

on the occasion of the ordination of Gregory Jones October 18,....

Widening the Circle of Concern

Reverend Karen G. Johnston October 4, 2020 The Unitarian Society,....

The Impossibility of Universalism

Reverend Karen G. Johnston The Unitarian Society East Brunswick, NJ September 27, 2020 The Time For All Ages story that connects with the sermon. While Buddhism asserts that we all have....

Walking with the Wind: A Sermon on Our Fragile Democracy

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ In June of this year, a....

Walking with the Wind by John Lewis

Here is a video story based on the prologue in John Lewis' memoir, Walking....

Beyond the Apocalypse: Cultivating Eco-Resilience (sermon)

February 23, 2020 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Reverend Karen G. Johnston “…we are, indeed, facing the end of the world.  Not the literal end of civilization or the human species, but a transition so profound that on the....

Mission: POSSIBLE (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ January 26 2020 To not let....

Growing Equanimity: Via Rumi’s Guest House (sermon)

Do you know that old, and perhaps tired, and perhaps true, cartoon about....

White Lies: James Reeb, a Podcast, a Missing Murderer, & Liberatory Memory (sermon)

January 19, 2020 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Reverend Karen G. Johnston most of the sermon made it -- just the last few minutes were lost [a clip 1:17 minutes from the White Lies....

Three Gates: A Sermon on Right Speech (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ January 12, 2020 John....