Last Saturday, I was given a task to carry a box of overripe bananas from one....
A Call to Increase the Number of Wise Persons on Christmas Eve
Tonight, as part of the adult Christmas Eve service, I will be reading Rev.....
Honoring My Teachers
In traditional Buddhism, even Western Buddhism, there is typically attention to....
Cri de Coeur: On Swearing and Godtalk
I probably spend too much time swearing. And thinking about swearing. And....
This Is Not the Way
On Wednesday, August 6th, someone discovered that a flag on the grounds of one....
Helping Young Offenders Find Hope in the EveryDay
Here is a powerful witness piece that I highly....
Imagining a better abortion conversation
I have not been blogging much, given my current obligations elsewhere. This....
My Mother's Daughter: Semi Guest Post
Last month, I submitted a poem I wrote in 2008 to a poetry contest honoring....