In the early 1980s, we all lived under the pale of mutual nuclear destruction.....
Tiny Resurrections: Easter Sunrise 2015 (sermon)
[caption id="attachment_3517" align="alignleft" width="355"] photo by Susan....
Falling in Love: My Encounter with a Homeless Man
I am not often on the subway but the other day I was on the Red Line from Park....
Prayer on the 50th Anniversary of Selma
[caption id="attachment_3467" align="alignright" width="400"] (labeled for....
Choosing Open Eyes (sermon)
This sermon was delivered on February 22, 2015 at First Parish Church of....
Just Another Friday Evening: Shwedagon Pagoda
It must be the place to go on a Friday night. Old people. Young people. ....
New Year, New Hope, and the Hokey Pokey
The last Sunday of the old year I spent at my internship congregation. I led....
Arriving at the Rally on Police Brutality in the Back of a Police Cruiser
Or, A Story of Ms. Panache and Her Four Angels Her floppy hat was made....
The Great (Racial Justice) Turning (Part II)
(Part I can be found here.) (2/26/2020: edited for clarity, as well as to....