A Blessing at the Start of a Ministerial Internship

For my new Teaching Parish Committee   We are artists, not....

Shameless Self Promotion: Karen Wants to be a Minister on GoFundMe

CLICK HERE: http://www.gofundme.com/enriws This was the exact response from....

Risking Hope: Who Could Have Seen That Coming?

So it would be just peachy if everything worked out all cause-and-effect-like.....

Remembering Who Is In the Room: Let Our Voices be a Safe Haven

Let us remember who is in the room. Let us be mindful of who is in the room....

Finding a "New" Peace (Pagoda)

[caption id="attachment_3076" align="alignleft" width="300" class=" "] New....

The Ferguson Challenge: Talking Across Race

I just returned from business travel that required flying in and out of....

Notice Who Matters: The Sermon (Part 2 of 2)

August 17, 2014 Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence  By Langston....

Notice Who Matters: The Readings from Many Voices (Part I of 2)

The following readings were the heart of worship this morning at the Unitarian....

Stand (or Sit or Recline) on the Side of Love: Honoring the Life of Michael Brown, Witnessing His Murder

(Updated 9/1/14)Don’t turn away from the news. Find a way to read some of it.....

This Is Not the Way

On Wednesday, August 6th, someone discovered that a flag on the grounds of one....