Bidden or Unbidden: God in the House?

God keeps popping up at my house. Which is a little strange given that we are....

A Game of Chess: The New Jim Crow Over & Over (Part II)

As I have written about in Part I, I am currently “reading” (listening as I....

Furtive Movements: The New Jim Crow Over & Over (part I)

Maybe you were like me when the George Zimmerman trial was going on, shocked....

Forget the Blessings (poetry)

for T.C. Forget pious blessing chatter. The nice-nice that assures polite....

Nobody, but Nobody, Can Make It Out Here Alone (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton, Groton, MA Karen G. Johnston, Intern....

Metal May Well Revert (poetry)

I am posting this poem here, as my dear friend's mother died last night.  I....

Prayer Inspired by Shantideva Prayer

This pastoral prayer is adapted from prayers of Shantideva, an 8th century....

Inexplicably Towards the Great Turning

There are three stories that describe this point in the earth’s narrative:....

Cri de Coeur: On Swearing and Godtalk

I probably spend too much time swearing.  And thinking about swearing.  And....

The Divine Reality of Brokenness — guest post

Here is this blog's first forray into hosting a guest blogger.  You can learn....