
Rituals of This Day: Blessing the Departing Minister

The deacons and minister stand at the front.  The deacons stand on either side, balanced.  They speak.

The water in this vessel was first gathered in January, 2013, filled with the good wishes and hopes for the future by those gathered for worship here at Village Church. It has been used to bless new members and today it finds another use.

One: For nearly two years, our gifts have been intertwined. It was a blessing. (Anoint with sacred water by touching her open hands)

Two: As all things must, our time together has come to a close. (Anoint with sacred water by touching her open hands)

Three: May you carry deep within you the gifts we have given you during your time of service at Village Church. (Anoint with sacred water by touching her open hands)

Four: May your ministry grow, knowing how you have touched and moved us, that part of us will remain with you always. (Anoint with sacred water by touching her open hands)

ALL: We invite the congregation to come forward to bless and anoint Karen and her ministry.