
Rituals of This Day: Blessing for the Congregation

I stand before you, in the fullness of this church, in the presence of this community. I am both humbled and emboldened.

For all the gifts you have given me, I thank you.

For all the gifts you have allowed me to offer, I thank you.

For all the moments when I bumbled, brought awkward instead of graceful, started and stayed with stinginess or rigidity, did not serve you well, I ask for your forgiveness.

For all the times when you settled for misunderstanding rather than compassion, for those times you did not bring your best selves, I extend my forgiveness.

Here is the blessing I offer you:

May you resist falling headlong into false directions or skipping down pathways with brambles and thorns that block your path.

May you testify to the saving grace of this church in your life, loudly and often, that others may find peace in this lifetime.

May you know deep in your bones the purpose of your life, each as individuals, and all as members of this interdependent web of all being.

May you recognize when it is time to reflect on what you are doing and when it is time to just do what you are doing.

May you know what is possible, as well as the limits of what is possible, pushing at the edges, then asking for help and company before the time is right, not after the chance has passed.

May you offer more compassion than judgment, seek more justice than convenience, build more community than distance, offer more service than seek remuneration.

May you spread the good news that each of you is necessary, that all of us are necessary, that we have important work in the world, and now is the time.