Fear: Friend or Foe? (sermon)

First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington November 12,....

Don’t Say There is No Water

The Unitarian Society, a Unitarian Universalist Congregation East Brunswick,....

Leaving Familiar, Learning to Love New Places

I'm pretty sure no one calls New Jersey a wilderness, but given that it will be....

Practicing Resurrection – Easter Sunrise (sermon)

As Unitarian Universalists and liberal religionists, we are not a people who....

On Keeping (Ig)Noble Silence

[caption id="attachment_3812" align="alignleft" width="169"] meditation hall at....

How of Now: Holding this Earth, Our Gratitude, Our Pain (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton, April 26, 2015  Audio version here. Perhaps....

Cracked: The Sequel

Chapel ServiceBaystate Medical CenterJuly 28, 2014These books on the altar....

What is Worth Saving? (sermon)

Village Church, Cummington, MA May 19, 2013 Karen G. Johnston Candidate for the....

"With Our Thoughts We Make the World"

Me: [I post one of about a thousand pro-immigrant rights/justice items on my....