Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence August 9, 2015 (The Mary....

Prayer on the First Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death
May the words of our mouths and the meditations of all of our hearts contribute....

A Litany of Blessings (for Tori Jameson)
(At my current seminary, Andover Newton Theological School, it is tradition....

Prayer for This Day – May 3, 2015
For church this morning at First Parish Church of Groton, I wrote the pastoral....

Upon Acquisition of Even More Technology (prayer)
I am hardly a Luddite. Yes, I raised my children without cable and without....

For Someone in Deep Pain Who Does Not Yet Pray (prayer)
Let me begin by setting aside my skepticism, my sarcasm, my doubt, my....

Interfaith Prayer for Crossing Borders
I delivered this prayer was offered as part of daily chapel held today at....

Eric and Jesus Can't Breathe: Another Non-Indictment (Part I)
Seeringly poignant, this point. We can advocate for bodycams on police, sign....

Let's not Just Make Noise, Let's Make a Difference: On the Night of No Indictment of Darren Wilson
I am supposed to be moved to write something, or say something, or craft some....

Prayer for Learning Self Defense Skills in a Hospital Setting
I wrote this prayer to frame a class on Non-Violent Physical Crisis....