Benediction for County Commissioners

Middlesex County (New Jersey) Board of County Commissioner Swearing In....

Opening to Joy: Psychedelics, Ancient Medicine & New Science (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ December 5, 2021 Reverend....

Holding History: Honoring Indigenous Communities (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ November 21, 2021 Reverend Karen G. Johnston Holding history. That is this month’s Soul Matters theme.  This month is also Native American Heritage month. In just a few days most, if not all....

We Plan, Earth Laughs (sermon)

November 7, 2021 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Reverend....

Denial Isn’t Only a River in Egypt (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick October 24, 2021 This past March,....

Shifting the Narrative: Embracing Possibility, Embracing Eve (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick NJ September 26, 2021 Reverend Karen G. Johnston Part I The story of the Garden of Eden, of Adam and Eve: abbreviated. God makes Adam from mud and breath. God makes all the creatures and places....

What Future Are We Preparing For (sermon)

Part I I have some challenging questions for us, which I pose with love for....

Dear Universe, What. The. Heck?!? (a prayer) This prayer was inspired by the prayer....

Reparations: A Sermon here is the whole Sunday service - below is the text of the sermon (in 4 parts) Introduction The opening skit  for Saturday Night Live back on April 11, was a morning news show in Minneapolis....

Ritual for Re-Opening Space

As all kinds of folx move into re-opening space that was closed during....