Speechless (or wordless) doesn’t work particularly well for poets or....
They Are All Honored Here: Nothing Is Lost
Better poets and theologians have made their offerings. Who am I to....
Beyond Apocalypse: Cultivating Eco-Resilience
Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham April 10, 2022 Reverend Karen G. Johnston, Guest Minister If I can't save usthen let me feel youhappy and safeunder my chin.If this will drownor burnthen let us drink starlightnap under treessing....
Angels In Our Midst
How might we surrender to our place in the vast cosmos, the strange mix that does not reveal the depths and breadths of its true nature to mere mortals such as we are, yet begs us choose to see angels and generosity, beloveds in the midst of the....
Visiting the Whitney Plantation, part two
All over the plantation, there are artifacts and there is art. the kitchen building where enslaved people, typically women and children, worked Artifacts include whole buildings, some from this particular plantation, some preserved and brought....
Visiting the Whitney Plantation (part one)
Leaving New Orleans this morning, I spent several hours today at the....