America’s Racial Karma

January 29, 2023 The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset....

Courage to Decolonize (sermon)

October 9, 2022 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ One....

Courage to Covenant (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ October 2, 2022 Reverend Karen G. Johnston “Remember: we are the promises we make.” In a letter sent to all congregations with a book, this book, in the summer of 2021, the UUA....

Summer Muck


This Pride: A Reflection Pride Month (sermon)

(I didn't actually give this sermon this morning. I had planned to do so, but....

Beauty as Companion to Bitter (sermon)

Drew Lanham I cannot in good conscience ignore the bitter for the beautiful. It stunned me. That sentence. The voice saying it. The interview that held it. I cannot in good conscience ignore the bitter for the beautiful. It was early March....

A Visit to Joe Minter’s Place

One thing I was really looking forward to the most on this trip was to....

1 + 3 Mothers You Need to Meet

By Browder Family - Original publication: Learning for Justice Immediate....

Paying Homage in Selma: Unitarian Universalist Civil Rights Martyrs

Speechless (or wordless) doesn’t work particularly well for poets or blogs. A blog is not Instagram where you convey primarily (often solely) through images. A blog is not TikTok with its minute-long videos, though I suppose it could be, but just a....

They Are All Honored Here: Nothing Is Lost

Better poets and theologians have made their offerings. Who am I to....