January 29, 2023 The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Somerset....
Courage to Covenant (sermon)
The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ October 2, 2022 Reverend Karen G. Johnston “Remember: we are the promises we make.” In a letter sent to all congregations with a book, this book, in the summer of 2021, the UUA....
This Pride: A Reflection Pride Month (sermon)
(I didn't actually give this sermon this morning. I had planned to do so, but....
Beauty as Companion to Bitter (sermon)
Drew Lanham I cannot in good conscience ignore the bitter for the beautiful. It stunned me. That sentence. The voice saying it. The interview that held it. I cannot in good conscience ignore the bitter for the beautiful. It was early March....
A Visit to Joe Minter’s Place
One thing I was really looking forward to the most on this trip was to....
1 + 3 Mothers You Need to Meet
By Browder Family - Original publication: Learning for Justice Immediate....
Paying Homage in Selma: Unitarian Universalist Civil Rights Martyrs
Speechless (or wordless) doesn’t work particularly well for poets or blogs. A blog is not Instagram where you convey primarily (often solely) through images. A blog is not TikTok with its minute-long videos, though I suppose it could be, but just a....
They Are All Honored Here: Nothing Is Lost
Better poets and theologians have made their offerings. Who am I to....