Everybody Loves a Good Ending (of the World) audio version: click....
Prayer After This Verdict: Trayvon Martin
We hold Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin in our hearts, mother and father of....
Malala Day and a Visit to St. Mungo's
Today is Malala Day at the UN. Today is Malala Yousafzai’s 16th birthday. It’s not every girl who gets the United Nations to celebrate her sweet sixteen, to give her the ear of the world. Of course, Malala is not every girl -- she is one who....
My Gay Boyfriend: Traveling with David
I was laughing so hard, I almost peed my pants. Which would have been bad....
Reflections on Immigration as a Moral Issue
I have just returned from several weeks in Europe (lucky me, I know). Not....
The Fierce Sanity of Stones
A friend of mine who had great trouble with her mind told me once that she had brought a stone into her apartment, and when she felt her mind going, she would concentrate on the stone. She said, "There is a fierce sanity in stone." (John O'Donohue,....
Doune Castle: Conviction
A few days ago, we visited Doune Castle in Doune, Scotland, which was on our....
Toilet Technology: A Personal History
As I walked around Bingen last week, I noticed that there has been a marked....
All that Glitters is not Gold: St. Paul's Cathedral in London
Yesterday's exploration of London was focused on a visit to St. Paul's Cathedral. Let's be clear: it is not pronounced Saint Paul's. It is pronounced S(i)n~Pauls -- no hint of "a" and certainly no "t" at the end. It was the first Cathedral built after....
My experience flying from Germany to England
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHcim_KNZYw My sister-in-law showed this to me....