Joyful NYC Scenes

Whenever I am asked to consider a trip to New York City, I encounter a strong....

Beyond Beyonce: Cuba & Me

In today’s NYT there is an article about the people-to-people trips now legal....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job and Your Heart (sermon)

Reading: Excerpt from Introduction to Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman “This is what you shall do; Love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job & Your Heart (sermon – audio)

Today's sermon was the second of two I preached this summer at Village Church....

Summer of Solid Rocks

The summer after my first “marriage” ended has a name.  I use quotation....

Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism: A Book Review

Over the New Year, I attended my first ten-day silent retreat at Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts.  After attending seminary where the vast majority of students and professors are deists, and after serving a Christian church for half a....

The Beating Beneath My Heart: A Geode of a Chapel Amid the Ruins of Disiodenberg

“A chapel is where you can hear something beating below your heart.” Pico....

Everybody Loves a Good Ending (of the World) (sermon)

Everybody Loves a Good Ending (of the World) audio version: click....

Prayer After This Verdict: Trayvon Martin

We hold Sabrina Fulton and Tracy Martin in our hearts, mother and father of Trayvon Martin, and the rest of his family, sending them love and compassion and hope for a greater justice. May we send George Zimmerman, his family and his legal team and his....

Malala Day and a Visit to St. Mungo's

Today is Malala Day at the UN.  Today is Malala Yousafzai’s 16th....