Today's sermon focused on my little church's big vote to give a formal charge....
Works & Hope: Why We Need Community
(This is part II of II. Part I is here.) In my New Testament class we just....
Repentance and (no) Reluctance: A Confession for America
In honor of Veterans' Day, I repost this blog as it highlights the prophetic....
On Kindness After Tragedy: This Can Still Happen Anywhere
I know there is talk about how, after 9/11, there was a change in this....
Open Letter to a Kindred Spirit: Why I am UU
I recently met a woman who has a storied spiritual history. That history includes many things of which I am unaware, but a few things I do know: she lived on an ashram and often her points of reference include Hindu metaphors and guides; she recently....
Approaching Newtown: Strengthening Our Universalist Impulse
Soon our nation marks the one-year anniversary of the tragedy of the Newtown....
Insert Sexy Title Here
I used to be thrilled with thirty or forty hits on my blog. Yes, I would be bummed if it was six or seven, but I was easily satisfied at surpassing twenty and nearly orgiastic if I exceeded fifty. But not since freshpressed one....
Circumambulating in the Autumn: Our Spiritual Practices
Unless an elder or physically disabled, one must park below and walk up a....