When one is in the metro Boston area and there is some UU event, it’s likely,....
The Five-Second Rule & Communion Wafers
As one of my colleagues introduced himself on the first day of class, he said....
Scoundrels, Patriotism, and No Skin in the Game
Wounded veteran honored. When I look at my newsfeed and google search, this is the primary message just after the otherwise unremarkable State of the Union address given by President Obama. Sitting next to the First Lady was Sgt. First Class Cory....
Learning to Drive & Everyday Ethics
One of the things I say to newly separated or divorced parents who are....
Kids Say the Darndest Things
When my daughter was little, she would say the cutest things. One time we were....
This is Not Very Interesting: On Stoles & Malas
Okay, I never thought I would find this dilemma so compelling as to put a whole....
Dreams for My Home Congregation
(Over the next two months, many members of my home congregation have been asked to share their dream for the congregation. These dreams will be collected as part of the long-term strategic planning and thinking in which the congregation is engaged. ....
Providing Alternatives to Military Recruitment: Letter to Editor
(I just submitted this to my local newspaper. I might be on a....