Being an adoptive parent has been a huge part of my identity and source of my....
On Being Dense and On Being Born Again (sermon)
preached at Village Church, Cummington, MA [caption id="attachment_2417" align="alignright" width="300"] “Purim Shpiel” by Boris Shapiro[/caption] It took awhile for me to figure out what to write this sermon about. The easy option: Lent. But....
Room for Misunderstanding: Proxemics and the Platinum Rule
Last week, I facilitated a day-long workshop for a delightful group of....
Some Reflections on the Small of Paradox and Paradox of Small (sermon)
delivered at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pittsfield, MA....
New Name, No Name, All Names: On Dukkha and any Afterlife
…, and I will give a white stone, and on the white stone is written a new name that no one knows except the one who receives it. (Book of Revelation, 2:17b, NRSV) In class, one of my colleagues finds deep comfort in the above passage in the....
In Search of CEU's: Portion Size and a Day Misspent
I spent much of today at a mediocre workshop.Mediocre? How mediocre? It was....
Seeds & Spiritual Transformation (sermon)
(This sermon was given at Village Church in Cummington, MA, on February 16,....
Divine Mandates, Community Ministry & Beyond Congregations
Because the online world of UU bloggers and social media pundits, not to mention UU banter on personal Facebook pages, has erupted into all sorts of chatter on the new UUA logo (It sucks! It rocks! It’s a penis! It’s a vulva! It’s Sauron from....
Seven Principles & Bonhoeffer's Divine Mandates
In my Intro to Christian Ethic class, which is being taught much more like an....