Rituals of This Day: Dissolving the Co-Ministry

This ritual was developed to mark the end of a two-year co-ministry which took....

At Chaos' Hinge: Preaching Good-Bye from the Heart

This weekend is the hinge sitting between thresholds and transitions in my....

Picking the Proper Tour Guide for Good-Byes and Hellos

It is the last week of serving “my” little church. Of course, it has never been my church. That it is my last week is yet another indicator of that. It has been a church I have had the great fortune and blessing to serve – and even before I am done....

Not Your Mothers' Mother’s Day (sermon)

Delivered at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Pittsfield on May 11,....

New Same Grief

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TeYHDrbu4E&feature=youtu.be Here is a....

Loving, Holding, Letting Go (sermon – audio)

[audio mp3="http://irrevspeckay.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/loving-holding-letting-go.mp3"][/audio] I gave this sermon last Sunday (May 4th) but only today was able to download the audio....

Loving, Holding, Letting Go (sermon)

Reading One     Saying Goodbye to Very Young Children by John Updike They....

interlude a la blog

My last post was the third of...not sure how many.  At the time, I thought....

The Limits of Our Senses: An Easter Sermon (sermon)

Reading One             Logos by Mary Oliver Why worry about the....