Here is a powerful witness piece that I highly....
Reflections on Small (sermon)
(a version of this sermon/worship service has been given in other places and....
Cracked: The Sequel
Chapel ServiceBaystate Medical CenterJuly 28, 2014These books on the altar represent the chapel services I did not give and will not have a chance to give:God Got a Dog – about our opportunity and responsibility to embody divine loveSong and Dance....
Don’t Fear the Reaper: Reactions When I Tell People What I Do
I was in line at my local food co-op, which just so happens to have the....
Homily at Interfaith Iftar, July 19, 2014
[caption id="attachment_2986" align="alignleft" width="300"] one breaks the....
Prayer for Learning Self Defense Skills in a Hospital Setting
I wrote this prayer to frame a class on Non-Violent Physical Crisis Intervention required for staff at the hospital where I am a chaplain intern this summer. Its purpose was to bring a trauma-informed understanding of our efforts. Feel free to use....
Blessing for a Newborn Baby
In every birth, blessed is the wonder. In every creation, blessed is the new....
Imagining a better abortion conversation
I have not been blogging much, given my current obligations elsewhere. This blog post caught my attention and I feel it is worthy of a larger audience, so I am reblogging it here. Thank you, Amy, for writing it and sharing....
On Not Knowing the Soul
This was delivered on June 23, 2014, as the Chapel Service as part of my....