Seeringly poignant, this point. We can advocate for bodycams on police, sign....
Tribute to Stephen Philbrick on the Occasion of Twenty Years in Ministry
this is the original version of the abbreviated tribute I gave this....
Returning to Langston: Poems of Our Times
When I preached on the Sunday a week after Mike Brown was murdered in Ferguson, Missouri, like many ministers that week, I changed the topic I was going to preach on -- like many ministers are choosing to do this Sunday, in the wake of the grand jury....
Let's not Just Make Noise, Let's Make a Difference: On the Night of No Indictment of Darren Wilson
I am supposed to be moved to write something, or say something, or craft some....
The Gender Spectrum: A Workshop, A Blogpost, A Poem
"Sexuality is who you go to bed with. Gender identity is who you to bed as." So sayeth the authors of The GENDER Book at a workshop I attended last night. [caption id="attachment_3214" align="aligncenter" width="300" class=" "] two of the three....
In Honor of Transgender Day of Remembrance: Reclaiming Genesis
November 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance. This blog post, some of my....
Doom & the Berlin Wall
I will tell anyone who will listen: I am a doom-sayer. I regularly predict the....
Mirror, Mirror: Cultural Misappropriation Bites Me in the Ass (Part II)
I know, Halloween is past, its candy on discount in the center aisle of the CVS as Christmas goodies line the shelves. All Saints/All Souls Day worship is behind us. Dia de los Muertos is laid to rest until next year. In class, we have been discussing....
Mirror, Mirror: Learning Humility (Part I)
Not that long ago, I was sitting in an early morning committee meeting, one of....