Tiny Resurrections: Easter Sunrise 2015 (sermon)

[caption id="attachment_3517" align="alignleft" width="355"] photo by Susan....

Reflection on Holy Saturday

For Christians, this week ending with Easter on Sunday is called Holy Week....

Falling in Love: My Encounter with a Homeless Man

I am not often on the subway but the other day I was on the Red Line from Park Street to Harvard Square. In the same car, across the wide aisle, there was an older white man, clearly homeless. Weathered face, scraggly beard, semi-foggy eyes that suggest....

Upon Acquisition of Even More Technology (prayer)

I am hardly a Luddite. Yes, I raised my children without cable and without....

Begin Again in Love (sermon)

March 15, 2015 First Parish Church of Groton Karen G. Johnston Candidate for....

Out of the Mouths of Babes

[caption id="attachment_3484" align="alignright" width="300"] This photograph is from the Carol M. Highsmith Archive at the Library of Congress.[/caption] It was a Sunday of worship when those gathered were paying homage to the efforts and sacrifices....

For Someone in Deep Pain Who Does Not Yet Pray (prayer)

Let me begin by setting aside my skepticism, my sarcasm, my doubt, my....

Prayer on the 50th Anniversary of Selma

[caption id="attachment_3467" align="alignright" width="400"] (labeled for....

Winning His Battle with Brain Cancer: A Good Man Has Died

[caption id="attachment_3459" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Mark Green[/caption] Yesterday, my friend Mark Green died.  We knew each other in college.  In our first year, we narrowly avoided a one-night stand without loss of dignity or....

Reading Life Into Failing Bodies: The Chaplaincy of Eros and Thanatos

A third of my summer chaplaincy internship was spent at a nursing home. It was....