Memorial Day 2015: Peace Pagoda

More often than not, I end up spending some part of Memorial Day weekend at the....

On Not Waiting to be the Hummingbird (sermon)

On Not Waiting to be the Hummingbird: The Life and Death of Lee....

Mother's Day Proclamation in the Shadow of #BaltimoreUprising

Mother’s Day is upon us. In Unitarian Universalist congregations, Mother’s Day is often spent invoking the words of Unitarian Julia Ward Howe and her Mother’s Day Proclamation. She wrote it in 1870 as an international anti-war cry, having witnessed....

A Litany of Blessings (for Tori Jameson)

(At my current seminary, Andover Newton Theological School, it is tradition....

Prayer for This Day – May 3, 2015

For church this morning at First Parish Church of Groton, I wrote the pastoral....

Prayer of Gratitude & Despair: Earth Day

Hear these words of thanksgiving and of lament. Ours be a prayer of gratitude, raising praise for life that sustains and renews, to grace that surrounds and surprises, for the abiding truth: there is no separation between us and the rest of the....

How of Now: Holding this Earth, Our Gratitude, Our Pain (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton, April 26, 2015  Audio version here. Perhaps....

The Hope of Raspberry Brambles

It’s risky, writing about hope without being in touch with at least some....

Earth Day 2015

In the early 1980s, we all lived under the pale of mutual nuclear destruction.  Are you, dear reader, old enough to remember? I was in high school then and I took this very personally.  While others were out partying, or working, I was reading....

F*ck Bucket Lists

So there's this thing.  A term of art that apparently everyone (who's anyone)....