The Longing of Homesickness

What have you longed for with the intensity of homesickness? Of....

If We Don’t Believe in Hell, Does It Exist? (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton (For audio version, click....

Interfaith Winter Blesssing

These are the gifts of this season, let us open our hearts to them: A joyful, hopeful conclusion to waiting and yearning A welcoming of the refugee seeking shelter amongst us Unexpected light in darkness May these be the presents we give and....

Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee

Preparing for the Ministerial Fellowship Committee: not for the....

What To Do with Beauty?

Inspired by the words of Robert McAfee Brown and Sean Dennison [caption....

A Prayer for Tamir: One Year Anniversary

[caption id="attachment_3904" align="alignright" width="290"] Tamir Rice[/caption] We gather at this time 3:30, November 22, because Tamir Rice’s family, and our own sense of integrity and justice, calls us to do so.   In....

Being Servant Candle: Strongest When We Help Each Other

At my children’s elementary school, there was an annual Solstice pageant. One....

Children’s Advice for Seeing the Ministerial Fellowship Committee

[caption id="attachment_3889" align="alignleft" width="423"] Image by....

Keeping Our Hearts Alive: On the Contribution of One Veteran (homily)

November 8, 2015 First Parish Church of Groton audio version here Spirit of Life, breath of our breath, source of humility and deep ground: be with me as I preach this sermon. When a minister preaches on a topic about which she knows little and has....

Tainted: Not the Grand Transition We Would Hope

[caption id="attachment_3873" align="alignright" width="300"] Image from....