First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington August 4,....
A Kind of Prayer for July 14, 2024
This has been an especially hard week. Let us all recognize that nearly....
A Farewell Blessing: May You Be that Prolific
First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington June 16, 2024 The story we just heard and saw comes from an author who had to say a particular kind of good-bye to his mother - the kind of good-bye that comes when a person dies. We have a....
Dandelions Aren’t Forever…and Neither Are We (sermon)
First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington June 16, 2024 I have....
Muck & Mud Call to Worship
No way to avoid it, no way to side step or roll around it. Life has its moments of mud, moments of muck, some of which rotate and alternate, receding to reveal brilliance; some of which last and linger, obscuring all the good stuff for longer than....
Here in the Path of Totality (after)
a companion piece to the poem of nearly the same title, I offered this as the....
Mingle the Stars (sermon)
April 7, 2024 First Unitarian Universalist Society Burlington “Mingle the starlight with your lives and you won’t be fretted by trifles.” Who wants to be fretting about trifles? Not me. I mean, I think that fretting about trifles,....
Here in the Path of Totality (before) this IS a spoken word piece, and as such, is....