Gather Together

Do not be alone right now. Gather together. Gathering together grows....

An Invisible Thread: A Farewell Sermon

Let us start with a poem We all have a thread that runs through our lives.....

Fear of Fueling Islamophobia: A Few Days Out From the Orlando

My grief -- at the Orlando massacre and the barely imaginable loss of life, and its intentional targeting of the gay community -- is not separate from my fear. I fear that in the aftermath of this intentional act of violence, especially when....

Weeping & Walking & Welcoming My Inner Turtle

[caption id="attachment_3076" align="aligncenter" width="411"] New England....

A Prayer for Those Lost in the Orlando Massacre

June 14, 2016 Shriver Job Corps Devens, Massachusetts [caption....

When the World Is Sick: Grief at the Pulse

[caption id="attachment_4225" align="aligncenter" width="453"] Sign outside the congregation I currently serve - First Parish Church of Groton (MA)[/caption] I mourn these beautiful dead. In my head and out loud, I cannot stop singing this song, with....

Seeing You Whole: Speaking Out Against Sexual Violence

I say truly that the legacy of violence, shame, and silence in our lives is....

Charge to the Minister – for the Ordination of Karen G. Johnston by Rev. Elea Kemler

Sunday, June 5, 2016 From Rev. Elea Kemler   Karen, I charge you to hold....

Dear Beloved Ordaining Congregations (and All Sentient Beings Present) at my Ordination Yesterday:

I am flush with gratitude. Each time I turned my face towards you, I beheld so so so many of you out there.  At first it felt like I was stealing glances at you.  I felt brazen.  Then I felt more courageous and eventually more confident. There....

I Wish That We Could See Each Other But That’s The Way Life Goes

Over twenty years ago, when I was completing the final of two eight-month-long....