The Needful: The Lost Laws of Thermodynamics

a stewardship sermon The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Reverend....

Widening, not Whitewashing (sermon)

When I look at this painting by Jonathan Harris, a painter based in....

Holding History: Honoring Indigenous Communities (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ November 21, 2021 Reverend....

What Future Are We Preparing For (sermon)

Part I I have some challenging questions for us, which I pose with love for....

Dear Universe, What. The. Heck?!? (a prayer) This prayer was inspired by the prayer....

Reparations: A Sermon here is the whole Sunday service....

Ritual for Re-Opening Space

As all kinds of folx move into re-opening space that was closed during....

Living Within Our Means

The Unitarian Society East Brunswick, NJ May 16,....

Inaugural Poem Mash Up

In honor of this presidential inauguration, I created this video....

There Are More of Us Than There Are of Them (sermon) There are more of us than there are of....