Returning to Langston: Poems of Our Times

When I preached on the Sunday a week after Mike Brown was murdered in Ferguson,....

Let's not Just Make Noise, Let's Make a Difference: On the Night of No Indictment of Darren Wilson

I am supposed to be moved to write something, or say something, or craft some....

A Game of Chess: The New Jim Crow Over & Over (Part II)

As I have written about in Part I, I am currently “reading” (listening as I....

Furtive Movements: The New Jim Crow Over & Over (part I)

Maybe you were like me when the George Zimmerman trial was going on, shocked....

The Ferguson Challenge: Talking Across Race

I just returned from business travel that required flying in and out of....

Notice Who Matters: The Sermon (Part 2 of 2)

August 17, 2014 Unitarian Society of Northampton & Florence  By Langston....