Behind the Kitchen Door: Standing on the Side of Ethical Food Management Curricula

I have a daughter who is a rising senior in high school. It is August.  She....

Returning Stolen Goods: Supporting Sexual Assault Services, Restoring Faith in Humanity

Huffington Post, get over yourself! Here is a news report about burglars who....

Soul Searching Ahead: Unitarian Universalist Conversations on Race

Over and over, the dangers of oversimplification rang forth.  Participants....

Joyful NYC Scenes

Whenever I am asked to consider a trip to New York City, I encounter a strong....

Beyond Beyonce: Cuba & Me

In today’s NYT there is an article about the people-to-people trips now legal....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job and Your Heart (sermon)

Reading: Excerpt from Introduction to Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman “This....

Not Crying on Sundays: On Job & Your Heart (sermon – audio)

Today's sermon was the second of two I preached this summer at Village Church....

Summer of Solid Rocks

The summer after my first “marriage” ended has a name.  I use quotation....

Buddhist Voices in Unitarian Universalism: A Book Review

Over the New Year, I attended my first ten-day silent retreat at Insight....

The Beating Beneath My Heart: A Geode of a Chapel Amid the Ruins of Disiodenberg

“A chapel is where you can hear something beating below your heart.” Pico....