Beyonding Belief: On Godtalk and Multitudes (sermon)

Universalist Church of West Hartford December 1, 2013 Last September, there was....

Erasing Firsts Reinforces White Privilege

Earlier this week, my local paper printed an Associated Press article about a....

Guided by the Goddess: On Judy Chicago, Prayer, & Divinity

For the past eleven weeks, I have spent every Monday evening in the company of....

Prayer for a Congregation Going into Search

Today's sermon focused on my little church's big vote to give a formal charge....

Works & Hope: Why We Need Community

(This is part II of II.  Part I is here.) In my New Testament class we just....

On Money, Prayer, and SWEDOW: Responding to the Typhoon and Other Disasters

(This is part I of II.  Here is part II.) Love and compassion, guide us. Help....

Repentance and (no) Reluctance: A Confession for America

In honor of Veterans' Day, I repost this blog as it highlights the prophetic....

On Kindness After Tragedy: This Can Still Happen Anywhere

I know there is talk about how, after 9/11, there was a change in this....

Open Letter to a Kindred Spirit: Why I am UU

I recently met a woman who has a storied spiritual history.  That history....

True Story: Married not Once, but Twice, to a Dying Woman

This is a story of lesbians in love.  It is also one facet of the jewel story....