Making the Most of Muck (sermon)

(I usually post my sermons the same day but life ~ and some ambivalence ~....

Gratitude on this Last Day of 2013…

I woke this last morning of 2013 with my mind full of gratitude.  Lists and....

Thinking Like a Commoner: Billy Bragg, Universalism, and a World Wide Open

(The lyrics in italics are from Billy Bragg's "The World Turned Upside....

Her craigslist ad said "I want to rent a Mom and Dad." The response she got will take your breath away.

This is beautiful. This is why we must be for each other in ways we need each....

Signs & Messages: Reflecting on Local History

At Yaquina Bay State Recreation Site, there is a plethora of signs.  There is....

A Tale of Two Francises

Due to the snowstorm around here, Sunday worship services at Village Church in....

Is Jesus White? Well, That Depends…

Just last night on Fox News the host of the show, “The Kelly Files,” Megyn....

True Story: Married not Once, but Twice, to a Dying Woman

True Story: Married not Once, but Twice, to a Dying Woman. For those of you....

Reflections on the Day Nelson Mandela Died

My first introduction to the injustices in Southern Africa had nothing to do....

Prayer this Day

Prayer on World AIDS Day Here is the prayer I gave this morning, December 1st,....