Love & Solidarity

When one is in the metro Boston area and there is some UU event, it’s likely,....

The Five-Second Rule & Communion Wafers

As one of my colleagues introduced himself on the first day of class, he said....

Scoundrels, Patriotism, and No Skin in the Game

Wounded veteran honored.   When I look at my newsfeed and google search, this....

Learning to Drive & Everyday Ethics

One of the things I say to newly separated or divorced parents who are....

Kids Say the Darndest Things

When my daughter was little, she would say the cutest things. One time we were....

Why I am NOT going to North Carolina*

*but I really wish I was For 12 brief hours, I really thought I could cough up....

An Invitation to be Maladjusted (sermon)

READING ONE I knew that the tributes would be pouring in immediately from....

This is Not Very Interesting: On Stoles & Malas

Okay, I never thought I would find this dilemma so compelling as to put a whole....

Dreams for My Home Congregation

(Over the next two months, many members of my home congregation have been asked....

Providing Alternatives to Military Recruitment: Letter to Editor

(I just submitted this to my local newspaper.  I might be on a....