[caption id="attachment_2986" align="alignleft" width="300"] one breaks the....
Prayer for Learning Self Defense Skills in a Hospital Setting
I wrote this prayer to frame a class on Non-Violent Physical Crisis....
Blessing for a Newborn Baby
In every birth, blessed is the wonder. In every creation, blessed is the new....
Imagining a better abortion conversation
I have not been blogging much, given my current obligations elsewhere. This....
On Not Knowing the Soul
This was delivered on June 23, 2014, as the Chapel Service as part of my....
From the Land of On-Call: A Day in the Life of a CPE Student
Twenty-four hours on-call. At the hospital. Not as long as one of my colleagues....
Meditation on Right Speech
I notice the thought. I am right. I notice the impulse. I want to say it. I....
Metta for Strangers on My Path
For three years, I had a job in the city where I am spending my summer....
Sexual Assault Prevention: A Mother Discloses to a Daughter
*trigger alert: sexual assault* Mom, I don’t plan on getting raped… So....