Whatever Happens, Don't Be Afraid: Our Bodies are Impermanent

Last Saturday, I was given a task to carry a box of overripe bananas from one....

2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this....

A Call to Increase the Number of Wise Persons on Christmas Eve

Tonight, as part of the adult Christmas Eve service, I will be reading Rev.....

Honoring My Teachers

In traditional Buddhism, even Western Buddhism, there is typically attention to....

Trauma-Informed Meditation Protocol

During my upcoming trip to Burma, I will be leading daily meditation sessions....

Winter Walk

Desiccated bronze orphans, aligned along branches, rustling....

The Shared World: Lessons In Joy and (Dis)Comfort (sermon)

First Parish Church of Groton Karen G. Johnston, Ministerial Intern (audio....

Trooper Responsive: The Story Continues

(Earlier today, I sent this letter.  I comment about the response at the end....

Arriving at the Rally on Police Brutality in the Back of a Police Cruiser

 Or, A Story of Ms. Panache and Her Four Angels Her floppy hat was made....

The Great (Racial Justice) Turning (Part II)

(Part I can be found here.) (2/26/2020: edited for clarity, as well as to....