I Believe. Help My Unbelief. (sermon in three parts))

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ November 5, 2017   Part I:....

#metoo prayer ritual

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Remembering to breathe and....

There Are No Unsacred Places (sermon)

September 17, 2017 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick (this sermon was....

A Visit to Steelmantown Cemetery

I don’t remember ever needing or wanting a burial spot, though I do remember....

Rise Up: Reflections on Patriotism (sermon)

I am the A-L-E-X-A-N-D-E-R we are meant to be A colony that runs....

And the Welcome Will Be Wide: It’s Not About the Bathrooms (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, New Jersey And the table will be wide.....

Here We Are, All in One Place (sermon)

New Member Sunday The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Not long after....

What’s Going On?: Message for the White Supremacy Teach In (sermon)

May 14, 2017 The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Time For All Ages....

Shifting Grounds Beneath Us: Facing White Supremacy (sermon)

I never met Margaret Maurer, founding member of this congregation. She died in....

Befriending Death: An Excursion (sermon)

The Unitarian Society, East Brunswick, NJ Our reading can be found....