
#BlackLivesMatter Yard Signs: The Saga Continues…

IMG_20160125_163715Just over a month ago, I replaced one stolen #Blacklivesmatter sign with three on my front lawn. I knew this was not likely to be the end of the story.

It wasn’t.

About a month they lasted.  Then, over the course of a week, those signs were stolen. All three. Not all at the same time.  But in a brief enough period of time that it is likely the same culprit.

Just a few days ago we found one of the missing signs. Someone took the time to bend the metal stand so that it could not be easily used again and threw it over our fence, into our own backyard.

IMG_20160306_165333601_HDR During all this time, it was only the signs in our yard that were being removed. Signs in other neighbors’ yards were still standing. Until a few days ago. And now they have disappeared as well.


So what is the next step? Even more signs?

Not likely. Seems like we would travel further down the same road.

So I spent money I did not have on this custom-made sign:

stop stealing our signsI’m hoping that whoever is taking the signs is going to stop, but also, that they just might take me up on my offer to begin a conversation. We’ll see.

IMG_20160306_211120I’ll keep you up to date as the story evolves.


3 thoughts on “#BlackLivesMatter Yard Signs: The Saga Continues…

  1. What you need is a motion activated web cam. Let’s talk I may have one you can borrow.

  2. Thank you for your kind and out-reaching answer to your sign being stolen. May god protect you and yours and may He guide our country to kindness and justice for all.

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