
Memorial Day 2015: Peace Pagoda

More often than not, I end up spending some part of Memorial Day weekend at the New England Peace Pagoda.

2015-05-25 08.47.15It started as a way to hangout with a dear friend and then turned into an irregular habit and I now consider it the thing I do for Memorial Day.  This year, my friend couldn’t accompany me.  That’s okay.  I went on my own.

2015-05-25 08.53.24I parked at the bottom of the hill and was greeted by this friendly sign.  It’s always there.  It makes me happy.

2015-05-25 08.54.08And then I walked.  Really slowly.  Not meditatively (I left that for when I circumambulated the pagoda), but mindfully.

2015-05-25 08.57.08The air was so fresh.  The birds so loud.  The leaves so green.  The bark so textured.

2015-05-25 09.21.49The stones, as always, so multitudinous.

2015-05-25 09.09.08People were there.  Some were working, getting ready for a big event next Sunday (I won’t be able to go because I’ll be teaching 4th & 5th graders about Buddhism at the church where I work). 2015-05-25 09.11.54Some were tourists, snapping photos with their smartphones or with their heavy-duty cameras.  (I brought my heavy-duty camera this time, that’s why you get so many photos…).

Some were pilgrims, Buddhists, speaking a language that indicated home, at least first home, was far away.

Everything was exquisite.

2015-05-25 09.16.27 2015-05-25 09.15.34 2015-05-25 09.20.35 2015-05-25 09.23.21 2015-05-25 09.58.44 2015-05-25 09.42.49

2015-05-25 09.19.36Peace to you on this and all other days.

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