
A Litany of Blessings (for Tori Jameson)

(At my current seminary, Andover Newton Theological School, it is tradition that at the last UU worship before graduation, we recognize those of us who are graduating.  Each graduating senior is blessed by someone else.  My friend asked me if I would bless her.  Shared today, May 4, 2015.)

"What is calling you?" painting by Donna Estabrooks.
“What is calling you?” painting by Donna Estabrooks.

Blessings of

  • courage and failure, for surely these are the stuff of which any ministry is made;
  • the senses, for eros and for fury, for surely these are the stuff of which embodied ministry is made;
  • darkness, in and of itself and light, in and of itself, and then of balance, of complement, of integration, for surely these are the stuff of which wise ministry is made;
  • beauty, of creativity, of wordless engagement, for surely these are the stuff of which deep ministry is made;
  • persistence and companionship, of solitude and of slow down, for surely these are the stuff of which steadfast ministry is made;
  • humility and connection, over and over again, and then some more, for surely these are the stuff of which true ministry is made.

Tori may you remember all your roots with gladness, even those tainted with pain and confusion, and certainly those which came with joy and insight, as they brought you here to this moment and will bring you forward into what is to come.

Know that you were known in this place because you shared yourself, that you are always a part of this mysterious web of connection and interconnection holding you as you share your gifts.

May you go out and be a blessing to this world.


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