
Breakfast in Burma or Books for Babes

We are staying at the Myanmar Life Hotel for the first week of our trip. We are told that it is the only hotel with a swimming pool, of which we took advantage this afternoon after our first full day. It was a day spent on Burmese time but in bodies still living 11.5 hours earlier.

We went to church to hear our host preach and take part in worship — all two hours of it, mostly in Burmese except for a few kindnesses of English sent our way. Before worship we toured the free clinic they staff and provide healthcare to anyone, “regardless of race or religion.” After, we were given a lunch for honored guests, then attended the ministry for street children the church runs. All the books that I collected, the vast majority of them donated by the church I am currently serving, are going to this program. It was my great joy and delight to read aloud, “Goodnight, Moon,” to 80 children ranging in age from 3 -11 years.

But before all that, we ate breakfast at the hotel.





All I can say is SCRUMPTIOUS!
