for T.C.
Forget pious blessing chatter.
The nice-nice that assures polite company
the world still spins properly.
It doesn’t.
It’s off kilter.
Your son is gone.
All is not right
in the world.
Should you take my advice,
don’t just set it aside.
Cast that shit away.
Throw the mother-fucker
to the furthest reaches
of the field,
or the river bank,
or your tiny backyard,
keening as your arm
whips back in shock.
Don’t just forget
the pious chatter:
smother it.
Let it fall
to the hard ground.
Place your workman’s
heel on it
and crush
the damn thing.
Lift your foot,
stomp the remains,
guttural excess
leaking unbidden
from your throat.
What is left to you,
what is left in you,
is nothing
but surrender:
There are no blessings.
Not today.
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